Length 743' 7"
Breadth.,., 106' 9" (flight Deck)
Displacement 23,207 tons Standard.
Draught(mean) 23' 10.75" )
HMS FORMIDABLE, when operating in the Mediterranean on the 26th May 1941, was attacked by JU.87 dive bombers. Bombs, thought to be 1,000 Kgm. SAP type, fuzed delay action, were released from about 500 feet in dive attacks. Two bombs made direct hits, one at 21.5 station, starboard side and the other abreast "X".1. (starboard) 5.25" mounting at 155 station.
The vessel continued to steam at 18-20 knots and to operate aircraft.
This image, lost from the National Archives Admiralty Bomb Damage archive, show the penetration point on the deck (black spot far left) and smoke and flame billowing from FORMIDABLE's side. This may the image referred in the Damage Report as A.2 - 20 seconds after detonation.
Uncaptioned photographs in ADM 267/84 Formidable's file. The top image appears to be that listed as "A.1. Hit starboard side forward, bomb bursting". The second is unidentified internal damage and the third, from the bow wave and wake, was obviously taken while still underway and may be "A.4. 1 hour after bomb explosion, looking forward starboard side in capstan engine flat from about 21 station."
Bomb Hit No.1 (See figures 1 and 2)
This bomb pierced the Flight Deck (25 lbs.) at 21.5 station 10 ft. from the starboard side making a hole 21" diameter, perforated the Upper Gallery Deck (14 lbs, and beam 3.5” x 7" x 13.71bs T bar), glanced off the top edge of the starboard after bollard on the Lower Gallery Deck, perforated this deck (2.5” Borneo whitewood on 10 lbs. plate) and the Hangar Deck (14 lbs.) and exploded against 17 bulkhead between the Hangar and Upper Decks. The trajectory of the bomb before impact was forward and to port at about 25 degrees to the middle line and descending at 55° to the horizontal. The distance of travel from point of first impact to point of burst was about 32-35ft. The detonation of the bomb was complete.
Side Plating Starboard (20 lbs. with 9" x 3" x 3" channel frames and longitudinals) was destroyed over an area 52 ft. long by 14 ft. deep between 11 and 24 bulkheads and Lower Gallery Deck to Upper Deck. Between 11 and 21 stations the damage extended to within 2 feet of the Main Deck.
(See fig. 1 and photographs 1, 2, 3 and 4)
The Port Side Plating (20 lbs.) was bulged outwards and torn from its connection to the Hangar Deck between 13 and 16 stations.
(See photographs Nos. 2, 5 and 6).
The Upper-Gallery Deck (10 lbs.) between 6 and 24 bulkheads arid for its full width was bulged upwards and pierced by splinters on the starboard side,
The Hangar Deck (14 lbs.) immediately above the burst was destroyed (11 to 16 station) the remainder of the deck for its full width between 11 and 24 bulkheads was bulged upwards, torn and pierced by splinters. Between 24 and 30 stations the deck was bulged upwards so that the Forward Lift could only be lowered to within 9" of the deck. Between 6 and 11 bulkheads the deck was buckled and torn from the brackets at 11 bulkhead.
(See photographs Nos. 7 and 8).
The Upper Deck (14 lbs.) was torn away from the ship's side between 11 and 17 bulkheads and dished downwards 4 to 5 feet in the Paint Shop. The crews W,Cs and Urinals (11-17 stations) were wrecked. Between 17 and 24 bulkheads the deck was torn and dished although partially stiffened by 21 bulkhead and the capstan machinery. Under the bedplates of the Capstan Machinery the deck was torn away.' In the centre of the Stoker's Upper Mess (24,37 stations) the deck was dished downwards but not pierced.
(See photograph 9)
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The Main Deck (14 and 17 lbs.) between 11 and 21 bulkheads was dished to varying degrees and between 21 and 24 bulkheads was torn in two places.
The Lower Gallery Deck (10 lbs.) plating and 12 x 6 Tbar girder) between 11 and 24 bulkheads was bulged upwards 4 feet, and the deck was torn from the bulkheads.
The Starboard Cable Holders were lifted from their spindles and the pillars supporting the Upper Gallery Deck over were bent.
(See photographs 10, 11 and 12)
No.6 Bulkhead (17 lbs.) was bulged forward and pierced by splinters between Upper and Hangar Decks.
No.11 Bulkhead (17 lbs.) was torn away from the ship's side between the Upper and Hangar Decks and from these decks and bulged forward. Between the Upper and Main Decks it was torn due to a stiffener being pulled away, and between the Hangar and Lower Gallery Decks it was distorted and both W.T. doors were damaged.
(See photograph No.13)
No.17 Bulkhead (14 lbs.) between the Upper and Hangar Decks was destroyed on the starboard side and bulged forward on the port side; both W.T. doors were destroyed. Between Upper and Main Decks it was bulged aft and torn on the starboard side.
(See photograph No.14)
No.24 Bulkhead (14 lbs.) was destroyed on the starboard side between Upper and Hangar Decks and was bulged aft and torn on the port side. Between Main and Upper Decks it was bulged aft slightly on the starboard side and torn away from the beam to the Upper Deck. Between Hangar and Lower Gallery Decks it was bulged forward and distorted and both W.T. doors were damaged.
(see photographs Nos.15 and 16)
Splinter Effect.
The splinter damage was most severe above and abaft the burst. Plating pierced varied in thickness between 25 lbs. and 10 lbs. and splinter holes were found up to 48 feet from the point of burst. The Capstan and Cable Holders Spindles were struck and penetrated to a depth of about" and the navel pipes where they pass through the Capstan Machinery Flat were perforated
Incendiary Effects.
A serious fire was caused in the F.A.A. Engine Stripping Shop, 11 to 24 stations Hangar Deck, possibly by the presence of paraffin or residue in the engine bath tanks. 'Small fires were caused elsewhere, mainly by woodwork.
The following compartments flooded and were uncontrolled.
Spare Anchor Gear Store 6-11 Main Deck.
Paint Room 11-17 " "
Cable Locker Flat 17-21 " “
Cable Lockers l7-19.25 Lower Deck and Platform Deck
Canvas and Awning Store 19.25-24 “ “
The Stoker's Lower Mcss Deck 24-37 Main Deck partially flooded.
Shoring. (After flooding).
Between Main and Upper Decks 37 bulkhead was shored in case the Stoker's Lower Mess Deck became flooded. The hole in the starboard forward corner of the Mess Deck, was plugged with hammocks..
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Machinery Damage.
No damage was caused to Main Machinery.
All the machinery in the Capstan Machinery Flat (Upper Deck 17-24 station) was completely wrecked.
Armament Damage.
"A"1 Turret. The left hand gun loading tray was damaged, the fire control tables to the Transmitting Station and the pump lore severed. The turret was temporarily out of action, but power was restored by temporary leads. The hoist from the Upper Deck to the Gun Bay failed temporarily.
"B" 1 Turret. The turret pump and the hoist from the Upper Deck to the Gun Bay failed temporarily.
"A" and "B" groups fired after the vessel was hit but on reaching harbour were put out of action awing to the possibility of increasing the damage to the ship's structure.
The F.A.A. workshops were completely wrecked.
The trolley track for the Assisted Take-Off Gear and the deck under were distorted.
Bomb Hit No.2. (See figures 1 and 3 and photographs Nos.17, 18 and 19).
This bomb struck and perforated the top of "X" Gun Bay, starboard, (12 lbs.) just outboard of “X" 1 turret at about 155 station, grazed and dished the side of "X:" 1 turret revolving structure, perforated the deck of Gun Bay (12 lbs.) and the ship's side (Sponson plating 14. lbs.) at the boundary of the Lower Gallery Deck in the Senior Officers Bathroom and burst below the water between 156-157 stations about 18 ft. from the ship's side. The distance from point of first contact to point of burst was about 40 ft.
The upper arm of the starboard "A'' bracket was fractured at the base, the crack extending about 1 foot from the after edge.
The ship's side below the waterline was bulged inwards between 148-163 stations. Some rivets sheared in frames 156-158 and laps and butts, and riveting between 148-163 were strained and leaking. The channel bar frames and side stringer (9" x 3" x 18 lbs.) were distorted in way of the damaged side plating,
Five side scuttles and deadlights, three between Hangar and Lower Gallery Decks at 155.5, 157.5 and 159.5 stations and two between Upper and Hangar Decks 157.5 and 159.5 stations, were broken and the plating around them distorted.
The following compartments flooded and were uncontrolled –
Captain's Store 151-158 Lower Deck (S)
Steering Gear Store 158-163 “ “
Watertight Compartment 158-171 Platform Deck (S)
Palm compartment 148-151 “ “
Watertight Compartment 151-158 “ “ (N.L)
Centre Gland Compartment 151-156 Hold
Holes where rivets had sheared were plugged. An attempt was made to make W.T. the N.W.T. middle line bulkhead on the Platform Deck abaft 151 station to
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limit the flooding to the starboard side. This was unsuccessful.
Electrical Damage.
Cables to the fuse setting machine to the left hand gun of "X" 1 turret and some minor lighting cables were damaged.
Armament Damage.
"X" 1 turret was put out of action.
Effect of Both Bombs on Fighting Efficiency
"A" 1, and "Al" 2 and "B" 1 turrets were temporarily out of action. Power was restored later, but it was considered to be inadvisable to fire these guns except in an emergency in view of the damaged structure in the vicinity.
"X" 1 turret was out of action
“X” 2 conveyor track was out of action for about 1 hour due to an electrical defect which was repaired.
The D.G. cable was severed forward.
The forward lift could only be lowered to within 9" of the deck owing to the distortion of the surrounding structure and it was considered to be inadvisable to use it.
That the vessel was able to steam at 18-20 knots and operate her aircraft was possible only because the weather was very fine. Had conditions been less favour-able more extensive flooding would have occurred.
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(APPENDIX I to The Commanding Officer, H.M.S."FORMIDABLE"’s No. 04/A dated 14th June, 1941.)
(1) Judged to be 1,000-Kg armour piercing bomb. Entry hole about 21-inches in diameter.
(2) Height of drop 450-feet. Dive bombing.
(3) Flight Deck at 21.5 station, 10 feet from starboard edge. Bomb travelling from outboard at about 25 degrees to fore and aft line and at 55 degrees to the horizontal.
(4) Through Flight Deck, Upper Gallery Deck, Lower Gallery Deck, Hangar Deck to 17 Bulkhead between Hangar and Upper Decks. Distance from point of entry to burst 32-35 feet.
(5) Flight Deck - 25-lb plate.
Upper Gallery Deck - 14-lb plate + beam 31--in x 7-in x 13.7 lb T-bar.
Lower Gallery Deck – 2.5in wood deck on 10-lb plate. Glanced off inner top edge of after bollard, starboard after end of cable deck.
Hangar Deck - 14-lb plate, 17-lb stringer.
(6) (a) Ship's Side PlatinE(0-lbs). Torn out between 11 and 24 bulkheads between Upper Deck and Lower Gallery Deck Starboard side. Dimensions 52 feet fore and aft by 14 feet vertically. At the fore end, between 11 and 21 Stations, the damage extended down to within 2 feet of the Main Deck i.e. an area 38 feet fore and aft by 5-6 feet vertically below the Upper Deck.
(b) Frames.(9-in x 3-in x 3-in channel) and Longitudinals (9-in x 3-in x 3-in channel). All between 11 and 24 bulkhead destroyed, starboard side between Upper Deck and Lower Gallery Deck and between Train and Upper Decks from 12 to 21.
Beams (7-in x 13.5-in x 13.7-lb T-bar) under Hangar Deck and Lower Gallery Deck twisted and cut.
Ship's side plating (20-lbs) port side from 13 to 16 stations blown out in way of boundary bar to Hangar Deck.
(c) Bulkheads.
11-Bulkhead (After collision bulkhead) 17-lb plating with 2.5-in x 5-in x 8.4-lb T-bar stiffeners welded 2-ft apart. Bulged forward and torn away from the ship's side and deck at heal and foot between Upper Deck and Hangar Deck. Holed between Upper and Main Decks by stiffener torn away. Distorted between Hangar Deck and Lower Gallery Deck, both watertight doors damaged.
17 Bulkhead - 14-lb plating with 2.5-in x 5-in x 8.4-lb Stiffeners welded 2-ft apart. Wrecked starboard side, bulged forward port side, between Upper and Hangar Decks, both water-tight doors destroyed. Bulged aft, and torn on starboard side between Upper and Main decks. Destroyed on starboard side between Hangar and Lower Gallery Decks.
This picture, while sometimes captioned as being HMS ILLUSTRIOUS, is also sometimes captioned HMS FORMIDABLE. The scene matches very closely with that of a caption listed for a missing photo from FORMIDABLE's National Archives Admiralty Damage Report: "B.1. Hit starboard side aft. Bomb bursting under water."
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(APPENDIX I to The Commanding Officer, H.M.S."FORMIDABLE"No. 04/A dated 14th June, 1941.)
(6) Continued.
24 Bulkhead. Wrecked starboard side between Upper and Hangar Decks, and bulged aft and torn amidships and port side. Both watertight doors wrecked. Between Main and Upper decks bulged aft slightly on the starboard side, torn away from beam at head of bulkhead. Between Hangar deck and Lower Gallery deck, bulged forward and distorted, both watertight doors damaged.
Main Deck. 21-24 torn in two places. 11-17 and 17-21 dished to a varying degree.
Upper Deck. 11-17 torn from bulkheads and ship's side, dished down 4-5 feet into paint shop. 11-17, Crews' W.C.'s and urinals wrecked. Ship's side plating, Port and Starboard, blown out by blast.
17-24 torn and dished 17-21 and 21-24. Would have dished completely if 21 bulkhead and the Capstan Machinery had not stiffened it. Capstan Machinery compartment wrecked. Capstan motor generators and motors very badly damaged. 17 bulkhead buckled and torn from Hangar Deck and from Upper Deck. Welded Mild Steel Bed Plates of Capstan gear distorted but not badly. The deck underneath torn away from bedplate.
24-37. Dished in centre of Stokers' Upper Mess Deck, though not pierced in any way. Forward side of Forward lift weight trunks buckled inwards and lift guides distorted.
Hangar Deck above Burst.
11-24. Deck bulged upwards and torn. Bulkheads buckled.
16-24 (aircraft workshops and office). Deck bulged up and pierced by splinters. Stanchions bent and machinery wrecked.
13.5-16 (CPOs WC and Urinals) wrecked.
11-13.5 (Crews' urinals and ablution cabinet)
6-11 (Boys' and Crews' W.C.'s and urinals.)
Deck buckled and torn from brackets at 11 Bulkhead. Some fitting broken.
24-30 (Forward Lift). Deck bulged 11-0, lift can be lowered to within 9-inches of deck. T-bar stiffeners at 24 bulkhead torn from Hangar Deck from underneath. Watertight doors to aircraft workshops buckled. Forward vertical stiffeners, Port and Starbaord sides of Lift Well, distorted inwards.
Lower Gallery Deck.
11-24 (Cable Deck). Deck bulged up about 4-feet and torn from 24 Bulkhead. Stanchions supporting Upper Gallery Deck bent. Cable Holders lifted from spindles. Steam pipe to Typhon Whistle dropped out of clips. Heavy beams 12-in x 6-In under capstans bent up with deck.
Upper Gallery Deck.
6-24 bulged up over whole width and pierced by a few splinters starboard side.
Capstan Machinery - completely wrecked.
P.A.A. Workshops. - completely wrecked.
Assisted Take-Off Gear. - Trolley track and deck underneath distorted in the region of the windscreen.
(7) Extent of Minor Damage. Seamen's Heads
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(APPENDIX I to The Commanding Officer, H.M.S. "FORMIDABLE"s No. 04/A dated 14th June, 1941.)
(7) Continued.
Seamen's Heads. Upper Deck 11-17, completely wrecked.
Paint Shop Main Deck 11-17, completely wrecked.
Seamen’s Heads Hangar Deck 6-11 and 11-13, wrecked.
Cells. Upper Deck 17-24, completely wrecked.
Boys' Mess Deck. Hangar Deck 17-24, wrecked, deck and bulkheads and all light fittings distorted or wrecked.
Canteen Staff Mess store Hangar Deck 24-26 starboard, wrecked.
Decontamination store Upper Deck 6-11, after bulkhead pierced, and bulged.
Spare anchor gear store Flooded, 6-11 Main Deck, but watertight.
Paint Store. 11-17 rain Deck, flooded but watertight.
Cable Locker Flat 17-21 Main Deck, partly flooded, deck and bulkheads distorted.
F.A.A.Lower Mess deck 21-24, deck pierced and all fittings wrecked.
Cable Lockers. 17-21, Flooded but watertight.
Canvas and awning store 21-26 Lower Deck, flooded but watertight.
Stoker's Upper Mess Deck. 24-37, both forward messes wrecked. Lockers and light fittings wrecked
Stoker's Lower Mess Deck.. Fore bulkhead torn, partly flooded through hole in side.
(8) Blast Damage.
All the damage listed above in (6) and (7) as caused by blast.
(9) and (10). Splinter Damage.
Some holes in decks and bulkheads mostly above and aft of point of burst. Decks and bulkheads pierced varied between 25-lb plate and 10-lb. There were some deep strikes up to 0.5-in deep in the Capstan and Cableholder spindles and holes in the Navel pipes where they pass through the capstan engine flat. Splinter holes were found up to 48-feet from the estimated point of burst.
(11) Detonation.
Judged complete. Fragments recovered.
(12) Effect on Fighting Efficiency.
The ship continued to steam at 18-20 knots as the weather was good, and to operate aircraft. Effect generally was serious as, in anything but good weather, the whole forepart of the ship up to 37 bulkhead would be flooded. Forward lift and forward two groups of guns could only be used in emergency, though both A and B group turrets fired after the explosion occurred. Capstan gear completely wrecked and bollards etc., rendered useless by wrecking of deck.
(13) Effect on less important machinery.
Degaussing cable, some fire control cables and all pipes and electric leads for-ward of 24 bulkhead were destroyed.
(14) Incendiary effects. A bad fire was caused in the aircraft engine stripping shop, possibly by the presence of paraffin, or residue, in the engine bathing tanks. Small fires elsewhere, mainly burning woodwork. Fires were quickly got under control.
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(APPENDIX I to THE COMMANDING OFFICER, H.M.S. "FORMIDABLE"'s No. 04/A dated 14th June, 1941.)
(15) Remarks on gases.
No gases or fumes, as all vented to open air through the ship's side.
(16) Action taken to localize the effect.
37 Bulkhead, between Main and Upper decks, was shored in case the Stokers' Lower Mess Deck became badly flooded. The worst hole, in the starboard forward corner of the Stokers' Lower Mess Deck, was plugged with hammocks and shores.
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(APPENDIX II to The Commanding Officer, H.M.S."FORMIDABLE"s No. 04/A dated 14th June, 1941.)
BOMB HIT AFT. Report required by C.A.F.0.2972/39 (3).
(1) Judged to be 1,000-Kg armour piercing bomb.
(2) Dropped at about 500 feet. Divebombing attack.
(3) Top of "X" gun Bay at 155 station, just outboard of revolving portion of X.1. Turret.
(4) Passed down through X.1. gun embrasure, through empty compartment underneath, and outside ship's side, bursting under water between 156 and 157 stations. Distance from point of entry to burst estimated as 41 feet.
(5) Top of X.1. Gun Bay – 12.5-lb plate.
Deck of X.I. gunhouse – 12.5-lb plate.
Sponson plating - 14-lb plate.
(6) No serious damage except bulging of ship's side under water between 148 and 163 stations, starting some rivets and seams. X.1. turret out of action.
(7) Five side scuttles and deadlights (three between Hangar and Lower Gallery Decks at 155.5, 157.5 and 159.5 and two between Upper Deck and Hangar Decks at 157.5 and 159.5) broken and plating distorted. Ship's side plating (14-1bs) at boundary to Lower Gallery Deck torn in. Senior Officers' bathroom at 155-156 stations.
Side of the revolving structure of X.1. turret dished in by bomb passing down side and fuze-setting machine wiring and local wiring damaged.
(8) Blast effect.
None above water. Under water, bulging of ship’s-side plating (30-lbs on 25-lbs) and distortion of 9-ins x 3-ins x 18-lb channel bar frames and side stringers. Shearing of rivets in stringer and 15-lb stiffening brackets at 156 and 158 stations. Distortion of 7-in x 3.5in x 13.7- lb T-bar beams. Splitting of caulked butts of 30-lb ship's side doubling plates in the way of the stern casting and the loosening of all rivets in butt straps and lap joints of ship's side plating.
Compartments affected are :-
Lower Deck - Captain's Store 151-158 station
(Starboard) Steering Gear Store 158-163
Watertight compartment 158-163
Platform Deck Palm compartment 148-151
Watertight compartment 151-158
Hold - Gland compartment 151-158
(9) and (10) Nil.
(11) complete detonation. No fragments.
(12) X.1. Turret out of action.
(13) Cables to fuze-setting machine, left gun of X.1. Turret, damaged and some minor lighting cables.
(16) Plugging of holes where rivets had sheared, and erection of a temporary division plate on the centre line at 15.5 station Platform Deck, to limit flooding of the compartment to starboard side. This was not successful as the corners of the beams had not been filled in.
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Add to (6) of Appendix II
The following damage has been reported after inspection by divers :-
Starboard "A" Frame.
Upper arm fractured at boss. A crack extends from the after edge for approximately one foot along the boss. Diver reports that he can insert 40/1000-inch feeler in the after end of the crack.
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(Appendix III to The Commanding Officer, H.M.S"Formidable's" No. 04/A dated 14th June, 1941.)
Report of Gunnery Equipment Damage.
Bomb Hit Forward,
A.1. Turret.
Left Gun loading tray damaged. Fire control cable to T.S. severed. Control cables for pump wrecked. A.1. turret temporarly out of action, but power was restored by running temporary leads.
"A" group fired after the ship was hit, but, on reaching harbour, was put out of action so as not to increase the damage to the ship's structure forward.
The forward ammunition conveyor continued to deliver ammunition, but was put out of action reaching harbour, because the deck below it had been dished down by blast, and the forward end of the conveyor was sagging in consequence.
A.1. and B.1. hoists from Upper Deck to Gun Bays were temporarily put out of action.
"B" Group.
B.1. turret pump failed temporarily.
"B" group only to be fired in an emergency, after reaching harbour, owing to the possibility of further damage to the ship's structure forward,
Bomb hit aft.
X,1. Turret,
Damage to revolving structure abreast left gun fuze-setting position, turret being unable to train until the plating was cut away. Local wiring destroyed. L,1, out of action thereafter.
X.2. conveyor track was out of action for about an hour through electrical defect which was repaired.
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Photographs of damage
Uncaptioned photographs in ADM 267/84 Formidable's file.
Bomb. hit aft.
B.1. Hit starboard side aft. Bomb bursting under water
B.2. Entry hole of bomb starboard side aft, abreast X.1. turret.
B.3. Bomb strike on side of revolving structure of X.1. turret.
B.4. Bomb exit hole through gun embrasure (155 Starboard).
Bomb hit forward.
A.1. Hit starboard side forward, bomb bursting.
A.2. 20 seconds after bomb explosion.
A.3. 7 minutes after bomb explosion.
A.4. 1 hour after bomb explosion, looking forward starboard side in capstan engine flat from about 21 station.
A.5. General view of damage forward, starboard side.
A.6. Starboard side 11-19 station, showing hole port side.
A.7. Starboard side 17-24 station, damage to Capstan Flat, cable locker flat and F.A.A. Mess Deck.
A.8. Starboard side 22-26 station, showing damage to 24 bulkhead above upper deck.
A.9. At 14 station in Seamen's Heads, (Upper Deck 11-17), looking up to joint of 11 bulkhead and Hangar Deck over Starboard Forward corner.
A.10. As above, looking forward to port centre of 11 bulkhead and up to Hangar Deck.
A.11. As above, looking forward and upward at centre of 11 bulkhead.
A.12. Seamen's Heads, 11-17 Upper Deck, port side 11-14 station looking to port from centre-line.
A.13. Seamen's Heads 11-17 Upper Deck, looking to port from centre-line at 14-17 stations.
A.14. Seamen's Heads 11-17 Upper Deck, port after corner from centreline showing part of 17 bulkhead.
A.15. Seamen's heads 11-17, Upper Deck, starboard after corner looking down showing upper deck dished and torn from 17 Bulkhead.
A.16. Seamen's Heads 11-17 Upper Deck, starboard after corner looking up showing Hangar Deck torn and bulged up.
A.17. As above, starboard forward corner looking down showing Upper Deck dished and torn from 11 bulkhead.
A.18. As above, taken from midships looking to starboard, 17 bulkhead on right. Shows severe dishing of Upper Deck.
A.19. Capstan Engine Plat 17-24, Upper Deck, taken from centre line looking to port forward corner. Plating of cells port side destroyed, Hangar Deck over pierced and torn.
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(APPENDIX IV to The Commanding Officer, H.M.S."FORMIDABLE"s No. 04/A dated 14th June, 1941.)
A.20. Capstan Engine Flat, 17-24 Upper Deck, taken from centre line forward looking to port after corner. Shows dama to 24 Bulkhead on left. age
A.21. As above, taken from centre-line forward looking aft at centre of 24 bulkhead.
A.22. As above, looking aft down starboard side. Taken from 17 bulkhead starboard side.
A.23. As above, starboard after corner and wrecked generator for capstan. Note all ship's side frames destroyed.
A.24. F.A.A. Engine Stripping Shop, Hangar Deck 17-24, taken from aft looking forward at 24 bulkhead. Deck blown Up over bomb burst.
A.25. Boys' Mess Deck, Hangar Deck 17-24 Port, taken from port side looking inboard at starboard after corner, showing distortion of deck and vertical bulkhead.
A.26. General view from forward of cable deck Lower Gallery Deck) two decks above burst. (X) and Y) are top of sheet cable holder and starboard bower cable holder displaced from spindles.
A.27. General view from forward of cable deck port side, showing extent of bulging up of deck over bomb burst, which occurred well over to starboard.
A.28. Cable Deck, Lower Gallery Deck, 2 decks above burst, starboard after corner, showing maximum distortion of deck.